Sarah Kelly
Computer Adjunct at Colorado Early Colleges
Phone Number: (***)-***-****
I left the job force in 2013 to stay home with my new son. I'm am getting ready and making plans to start back in the work force. I am loyal, hard working, and an excellent team member.
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Headquarters: 4424 Innovation Dr, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525, United States
Industry Education Management
HQ Phone +17*********
Colorado Early Colleges (CEC) is a network of tuition-free public charter schools, authorized by Colorado Charter School Institute, with a curriculum that is designed to give students the opp...Read More
Employees 201-500
Revenue 100 Million to 250 Million
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sarah Kelly
Answer: Sarah Kelly works for Colorado Early Colleges as Computer Adjunct
Answer: Sarah Kelly’s role in Colorado Early Colleges is Computer Adjunct
Answer: Sarah Kelly's email address is s***
Answer: Sarah Kelly's business email address is s****
Answer: Sarah Kelly’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****
Answer: Sarah Kelly works in the industry of: Education Management
Answer: Sarah Kelly is the current Computer Adjunct at Colorado Early Colleges.... Read More
Answer: Sarah Kelly works Colorado Early Colleges located at 4424 Innovation Dr, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525, United States
Answer: Colorado Early Colleges's Computer Adjunct is Sarah Kelly
Answer: Sarah Kelly contact details:
- Phone number : (***)-***-****
- Email : s****
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