Sarah Benjamin
UX Designer at UX is Fine
Phone Number: (***)-***-****
I’m a UX Designer based in Brooklyn, NY, a constant user advocate, a collaborative teammate, and a problem solver. I enjoy taking complicated technical systems, varied business needs, & c...
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Headquarters: Austin, Texas, 78759, United States
Industry Computer Games
HQ Phone +12*********
UX is Fine was founded as a way to bring our expertise and experience to game developers and publishers looking for the best UX an UI consulting, direction, and design. We've worked with amaz...Read More
Employees 11-50
Revenue 5 Million to 10 Million
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sarah Benjamin
Answer: Sarah Benjamin works for UX is Fine as UX Designer
Answer: Sarah Benjamin’s role in UX is Fine is UX Designer
Answer: Sarah Benjamin's email address is s***
Answer: Sarah Benjamin's business email address is s****
Answer: Sarah Benjamin’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****
Answer: Sarah Benjamin works in the industry of: Computer Games
Answer: Sarah Benjamin is the current UX Designer at UX is Fine.... Read More
Answer: Sarah Benjamin works UX is Fine located at Austin, Texas, 78759, United States
Answer: UX is Fine's UX Designer is Sarah Benjamin
Answer: Sarah Benjamin contact details:
- Phone number : (***)-***-****
- Email : s****
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