He Du
Tax Associate at Lauer, Georgatos, Covel, Devine & Feiles, APC
Email: h****@lgcdf.com
Phone Number: (***)-***-****
self-motivated quick learner with excellent writing skills and verbal communication skills. A good organizer of all aspects of any team can make the best use of each member's talent to ac...
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- Headquarters: 402 W Broadway, San Diego, California, 92101, United States
- Industry Accounting
- Website lgcdf.com
- HQ Phone +16*********
Lauer, Georgatos, Covel, Devine & Feiles is first and foremost a client service organization. We are distinguished from other firms by our responsiveness, creativity and the accessibility to ...Read More
- Employees 1-10
- Revenue 5 Million to 10 Million
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding He Du
Answer: He Du works for Lauer, Georgatos, Covel, Devine & Feiles, APC as Tax Associate
Answer: He Du’s role in Lauer, Georgatos, Covel, Devine & Feiles, APC is Tax Associate
Answer: He Du's email address is h***@gmail.com
Answer: He Du's business email address is h****@lgcdf.com
Answer: He Du’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****
Answer: He Du works in the industry of: Accounting
Answer: He Du is the current Tax Associate at Lauer, Georgatos, Covel, Devine & Feiles, APC.... Read More
Answer: He Du works Lauer, Georgatos, Covel, Devine & Feiles, APC located at 402 W Broadway, San Diego, California, 92101, United States
Answer: Lauer, Georgatos, Covel, Devine & Feiles, APC's Tax Associate is He Du
Answer: He Du contact details:
- Phone number : (***)-***-****
- Email : h****@lgcdf.com
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