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What you'll learn on this episode

Why consistency and intentionality are crucial in the sales process
Email psychology 
The process of perfecting a pitch and finding a natural way to deliver it

Get to know Johnnie Salimbene

Johnnie Salimbene
Johnnie Salimbene
Head of Business DevelopmentConnex One

Johnnie Salimbene's best quotes

“You're gonna learn more from prospect calls that you will from, you know, your manager telling you about the call center industry.”
Johnnie Salimbene [19:34]
“I think learning is something that's it's undervalued but when put it in the right place and your commitment to it on a consistent basis, consistency is key. It will just come naturally.”
Johnnie Salimbene [24:00]
“It all has to do with like really delivering a relevant message and following that with a necessary or relevant call to action.”
Johnnie Salimbene [37:15]

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