Born Global
Design, 254 Commercial Street, Portland, , 4101, Maine, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +13*********
We are an educational 501c3 nonprofit applying nature-based solutions to BiG projects in ecological restoration, environmental technology, and social change making. Our internship, schola...
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Headquarters: 254 Commercial Street, Portland, Maine, 4101, United States
Date Founded: 2016
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Born Global
Answer: Born Global's headquarters are located at 254 Commercial Street, Portland, , 4101, Maine, United States
Answer: Born Global's phone number is +13*********
Answer: Born Global's official website is
Answer: Born Global's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million
Answer: Born Global's SIC: 6799
Answer: Born Global's NAICS: 523999
Answer: Born Global has 1-10 employees
Answer: Born Global is in Design
Answer: Born Global contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:
Answer: We are an educational 501c3 nonprofit applying nature-based solutions to BiG projects in ecological restoration, environmental technology, and social change making. Our internship, scholar, and fellowship programs invite students ranging from high school freshmen to PhD candidates to engage in hands on, cross-disciplinary approaches to solving some of the world's most pressing challenges. We ask our students to bring the best of themselves, to be courageous optimists, and to walk the edge of the known and the unknown, the traditional and the innovative. None of our students embark on this journey alone. Our network of experienced industry and academic professionals empower our young changemakers by providing mentorship and guidance throughout all of our student-based programs.
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