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Think Tanks Industry Description

Think tanks are non-profit organizations that conduct research and analysis on various policy issues, providing expertise and recommendations to policymakers, the public, and other stakeholders. In the United States, think tanks play a significant role in shaping public policy debates and influencing decision-making processes. The think tank industry in the USA is diverse and vibrant, encompassing a wide range of organizations with varying ideological perspectives and areas of focus. These organizations can be found at the national, state, and local levels, and they cover a broad spectrum of policy areas, including economics, foreign policy, healthcare, education, environment, and more. Think tanks in the USA are often associated with specific political ideologies or interests, and they aim to influence public opinion and policy outcomes through their research, publications, events, and media engagement. Some prominent think tanks in the country include the Brookings Institution, ...

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35.2 Billion


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Think Tanks

United States, District of Columbia

250 Million to 500 Million


About The Brookings Institution

The Brookings Institution is a highly esteemed American research group founded in 1916, making it one of the oldest think tanks in the world. Located in Washington, D.C., it conducts in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national, and global levels. Brookings has consistently been ranked as one of the most influential, most quoted, and most trusted think tanks globally. Originally established as the Institute for Government Research, the organization's mission was to become the first private organization devoted to analyzing public policy issues at the national level. The Institution's name was changed to The Brookings Institution in 1927, following a significant endowment from Robert S. Brookings, a philanthropist devoted to higher education and public service. Brookings is known for its strong emphasis on quality, independence, and impact in its work. The institution's research agenda covers a broad range of areas including e...

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Think Tanks

United States, California

500 Million to 1 Billion


About RAND Corporation

RAND Corporation, officially known as the RAND Corporation, is a global policy think tank established in 1948. Originating from a project by the Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces, RAND stands for "Research ANd Development." Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, the organization has grown significantly over the decades, now boasting additional offices in the United States and around the world, including Europe and the Middle East. Renowned for its high-quality research and analysis, RAND focuses on a wide array of policy issues such as health, education, national security, international affairs, and technology. Its work aims to provide objective and non-partisan information to policymakers and the public alike, influencing both national and international policy decisions. Did You Know? One of RAND's most famous contributions to the world is the development of the Delphi method in the 1950s. This systematic, interactive ...

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Think Tanks

United States, District of Columbia

250 Million to 500 Million


About The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation is a prominent American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C., primarily focused on public policy. Founded in 1973 by Paul Weyrich, Edwin Feulner, and Joseph Coors, the Foundation has played a significant role in shaping American political thought and policy, particularly in the realms of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. The Heritage Foundation is known for its influence on American politics, notably during the Reagan Administration, where it was instrumental in providing policy recommendations that shaped the administration's economic and foreign policies. Its annual publication, the "Index of Economic Freedom," is widely regarded and used by policymakers, journalists, and researchers to measure and compare the economic progress of countries globally. Did You Know? The Heritage Foundation was the original proponent of the individual mandate in healthcare, a po...

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Think Tanks

United States, District of Columbia

25 Million to 50 Million


About Cato Institute

The Cato Institute is a prominent think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C., United States. Founded in 1977 by Edward H. Crane, Charles Koch, and Murray Rothbard, the institute is named after Cato's Letters, a series of British essays from the 18th century that presented classical liberal ideas, advocating for individual liberty, limited government, and free markets. The Cato Institute is known for its influential policy research and advocacy within the realms of public policy. It focuses on a wide range of topics including health care, education, environmental policy, and particularly, the promotion of libertarian policies and principles. The institute is recognized for its annual publication of the "Freedom in the World" report, which assesses the degree of economic and personal freedoms in countries around the globe. Did You Know? Despite its strong advocacy for free-market principles, the Cato Institute has taken positions that cross traditional partisan lines, such as cr...

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Think Tanks

United States, District of Columbia

250 Million to 500 Million


About American Enterprise Institute

The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, commonly known as AEI, is a prominent Washington, D.C.-based think tank that focuses on government, politics, economics, and social welfare. Founded in 1938 by a group of business executives and prominent New York intellectuals, AEI has grown to become one of the oldest and most influential think tanks in the United States. Its mission is to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and democratic capitalism—limited government, private enterprise, individual liberty and responsibility, vigilant and effective defense and foreign policies, political accountability, and open debate. AEI is known for its conservative stance, although it describes itself as nonpartisan. The institute is home to some of the most well-known scholars and fellows in the fields of business, economics, law, and foreign policy. It has been instrumental in shaping public policy on a variety of issues, including tax reform...

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Think Tanks

United States, District of Columbia

250 Million to 500 Million


About Center for Strategic and International Studies

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a prominent think tank based in Washington, D.C., dedicated to providing strategic insights and policy solutions to help decision-makers chart a course toward a better world. Founded in 1962 by Admiral Arleigh Burke and David Manker Abshire, in affiliation with Georgetown University, CSIS has grown to become one of the world's preeminent international policy institutions focused on defense and security; regional stability; and transnational challenges ranging from energy and climate to global health and economic integration. With a staff of over 220 full-time employees and a large network of affiliated scholars, CSIS conducts research and analysis on a wide range of global issues. Its mission is to advance practical ideas for addressing the world’s greatest challenges. The think tank is known for its bipartisan approach, bringing together experts from different political backgrounds to foster innovative solutions that tra...

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Think Tanks

United States, California

250 Million to 500 Million


About The Hoover Institution, Stanford University

The Hoover Institution, officially known as the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, is a public policy think tank and research institution located on the campus of Stanford University in Stanford, California. Founded in 1919 by Herbert Hoover, who would later become the 31st President of the United States, the institution began as a library by Hoover to collect documents on the causes and consequences of World War I. Over the years, it has expanded its mission to research and promote policies that seek to improve the human condition by advancing principles of economic opportunity, individual freedom, and national security. The Hoover Institution is renowned for its extensive archives, which contain many significant collections on war, revolution, and peace. It has amassed a vast array of materials, including documents from both world wars, the Cold War, and other pivotal moments in history. Scholars and researchers from around the globe visit the Hoover Institution to...

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Think Tanks

United States, District of Columbia

100 Million to 250 Million


About Hudson Institute

The Hudson Institute is a globally recognized American conservative non-profit think tank and research center, dedicated to innovative research and analysis that promotes global security, prosperity, and freedom. Founded in 1961 by strategist Herman Kahn and other colleagues from the RAND Corporation, the institute is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and has historically played a pivotal role in influencing U.S. policy, both domestically and internationally. The Hudson Institute focuses on a wide array of topics, including national security, foreign policy, healthcare, technology, and culture, among others. It is known for its forward-thinking approach to policy analysis, often exploring the long-term implications of current trends and policies. Did You Know? The Hudson Institute was one of the first think tanks to focus on the potential impact of technology on society, a theme that remains central to its research efforts today. Additionally, its founder, Herman Kahn, was a fu...

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Think Tanks

United States, New York

250 Million to 500 Million


About Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. Founded in 1921 and headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C., CFR is considered one of the nation's most influential foreign policy organizations. It aims to foster America's understanding of the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries. CFR's membership is a distinguished collection of more than 5,000 individuals, including senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures. The organization is known for its rigorous research, task forces, and the publication of Foreign Affairs, a leading journal in the field of international relations. Did You Know? The Council on Foreign Relations has been involved in some of the most pivotal moments in U.S. foreign policy, including playing a signi...

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Think Tanks

United States, District of Columbia

250 Million to 500 Million


About Urban Institute

The Urban Institute, established in 1968, is a Washington D.C.-based think tank that conducts economic and social policy research to foster sound public policy and effective government. It was founded by Lyndon B. Johnson to provide expertise to help solve the nation's urban problems and expand America’s wealth of knowledge on the challenges cities were facing during that period. The institute focuses on a wide range of areas including education, crime, health care, housing, employment, and welfare, with a commitment to independent, evidence-based research that contributes to real-world solutions. The Urban Institute is known for its comprehensive data collection and pioneering analytical methods. It has developed several important tools and databases used by researchers, policymakers, and the public around the world, such as the Nonprofit Sector in Brief and the Health Policy Center's Health Insurance Policy Simulation Model. Did You Know? The Urban Institute was instrumental i...

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Industry Overview

The government and public services industry in the United States plays a crucial role in the functioning of the nation. It encompasses a wide range of activities and sectors that are responsible for the governance, administration, and provision of public services to the American population. This industry is primarily focused on serving the public interest and ensuring the welfare and well-being of citizens. One of the key components of the government and public services industry is the federal government, which is responsible for the overall governance of the country. The federal government consists of three branches: the executive branch, headed by the President; the legislative branch, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives; and the judicial branch, which includes the Supreme Court. These branches work together to create and enforce laws, maintain national security, and provide various public services. At the state level, each of the 50 states has its own gove...

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The top Think Tanks companies in the US are The Brookings Institution, RAND Corporation and The Heritage Foundation. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 675 of Think Tanks companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Think Tanks companies in the US is 7500000.

The average revenue for Think Tanks companies is 66644444.

You can find job opportunities in the Think Tanks through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The Think Tanks companies are located across United States.

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