Tina Sawtelle
Executive Director/Ceo at The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH
Email: t****@themusichall.org
Phone Number: (***)-***-****
25+ years of professional experience spanning across arts/entertainment, higher ed, healthcare and retail industries with focus on strategic planning, financial administration, human reso...
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- Headquarters: 28 Chestnut St, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 03801, United States
- Industry Entertainment
- Website themusichall.org
- HQ Phone 60********
the beating cultural heart of New Hampshires seacoast Boston Globe The Music Hall is a performing arts center featuring curated entertainment from around the world in two theaters in its down...Read More
- Employees 11-50
- Revenue 25 Million to 50 Million
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The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH Org Chart and Mapping
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tina Sawtelle
Answer: Tina Sawtelle works for The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH as Executive Director/Ceo
Answer: Tina Sawtelle’s role in The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH is Executive Director/Ceo
Answer: Tina Sawtelle's email address is t***@gmail.com
Answer: Tina Sawtelle's business email address is t****@themusichall.org
Answer: Tina Sawtelle’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****
Answer: Tina Sawtelle works in the industry of: Entertainment
Answer: Tina Sawtelle is the current Executive Director/Ceo at The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH.... Read More
Answer: Tina Sawtelle works The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH located at 28 Chestnut St, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 03801, United States
Answer: The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH's Executive Director/Ceo is Tina Sawtelle
Answer: Tina Sawtelle contact details:
- Phone number : (***)-***-****
- Email : t****@themusichall.org
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