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Proctersmith Jeremy

Senior Customer Service Representative at North Texas Tollway Authority

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Email Email: p****

phone noPhone Number: (***)-***-****



  • description Description
    NTTA's mission is to provide a safe and reliable toll road system, increase value and mobility options for our customers, operate the Authority in a businesslike manner, protect our bondholde...

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  • Employees count Employees 501-1000
  • Revenue Revenue 500 Million to 1 Billion
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North Texas Tollway Authority Org Chart and Mapping


Darris Moore

IT Roadway Systems Lead Technician

Armando Garza

Budget and Compliance Manager

Keith Koeninger

Information Technology Security Manager

Bryce Galias

Inventory Control Specialist

Mattson Smith

Talent Acquisition Coordinator

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Proctersmith Jeremy

Answer: Proctersmith Jeremy works for North Texas Tollway Authority as Senior Customer Service Representative

Answer: Proctersmith Jeremy’s role in North Texas Tollway Authority is Senior Customer Service Representative

Answer: Proctersmith Jeremy's email address is p***

Answer: Proctersmith Jeremy's business email address is p****

Answer: Proctersmith Jeremy’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****

Answer: Proctersmith Jeremy works in the industry of: Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

Answer: Proctersmith Jeremy works North Texas Tollway Authority located at 5900 W Plano Pkwy Ste 100, Plano, Texas, 75232, United States

Answer: North Texas Tollway Authority's Senior Customer Service Representative is Proctersmith Jeremy

Answer: Proctersmith Jeremy contact details:

  • Phone number  :  (***)-***-****
  • Email  :  p****

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