As the nations sixth-largest, community-owned, not-for-profit electric service provider, SMUD has been providing low-cost, reliable electricity to Sacramento County for more than 75 years. SM...Read More
Employees 1001-5000
Revenue 500 Million to 1 Billion
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Eric Hansen
Budget Supervisor, Information Technology Business Unit (Smud Title: Bus. Unit Planning Coordinator)
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nancy Steele
Answer: Nancy Steele works for SMUD as Retired
Answer: Nancy Steele’s role in SMUD is Retired
Answer: Nancy Steele's email address is n***@gmail.com
Answer: Nancy Steele's business email address is n****@smud.org
Answer: Nancy Steele’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****
Answer: Nancy Steele works in the industry of: Utilities
Answer: Nancy Steele works SMUD located at 6301 S St, Sacramento, California, 95817, United States
Answer: SMUD's Retired is Nancy Steele
Answer: Nancy Steele contact details:
- Phone number : (***)-***-****
- Email : n****@smud.org
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