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Konner King

Audio / Visual Producer at Metro Technology Centers

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Email Email: k****

phone noPhone Number: (***)-***-****

Driven by a passion for visual storytelling, I am a dedicated videographer who thrives behind the lens. With an innate ability to capture the essence of any subject, I skillfully weave to...

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  • description Description
    Metro Technology Centers is a career and technology center district with six locations, serving the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. We offer a variety of training and career programs to high...

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  • Employees count Employees 501-1000
  • Revenue Revenue 100 Million to 250 Million
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Billie Markley

Administrative Assistant/ Quality Services

Vicki Doolittle

Job Search/Readiness Coordinator

Jeremy Cowley

Senior Director, Student Affairs and Workforce Development

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Konner King

Answer: Konner King works for Metro Technology Centers as Audio / Visual Producer

Answer: Konner King’s role in Metro Technology Centers is Audio / Visual Producer

Answer: Konner King's email address is k***

Answer: Konner King's business email address is k****

Answer: Konner King’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****

Answer: Konner King works in the industry of: Primary and Secondary Education

Answer: Konner King is the current Audio / Visual Producer at Metro Technology Centers.... Read More

Answer: Konner King works Metro Technology Centers located at 101 N Robinson Ave, City, Oklahoma, 73102, United States

Answer: Metro Technology Centers's Audio / Visual Producer is Konner King

Answer: Konner King contact details:

  • Phone number  :  (***)-***-****
  • Email  :  k****

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