Idariza Martinez Costa
Legal and Regulatory Pharmacy Specialist at Tabula Rasa HealthCare
Email: i****
Phone Number: (***)-***-****
Strong healthcare services professional with a Bachelor of Applied Science - BS focused in Health/Health Care Administration/Management from Drexel University.
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- Headquarters: 228 Strawbridge Drive, Moorestown, New Jersey, 8057, United States
- Industry Hospital & Health Care
- Website
- HQ Phone 86********
The Tabula Rasa HealthCare family of companies provide new beginnings for our clients, through innovative service models and fresh approaches to healthcare technology. Our leaders understand ...Read More
- Employees 1001-5000
- Revenue 1 Billion and Over
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Idariza Martinez-Costa
Answer: Idariza Martinez Costa works for Tabula Rasa HealthCare as Legal and Regulatory Pharmacy Specialist
Answer: Idariza Martinez Costa’s role in Tabula Rasa HealthCare is Legal and Regulatory Pharmacy Specialist
Answer: Idariza Martinez Costa's email address is i***
Answer: Idariza Martinez Costa's business email address is i****
Answer: Idariza Martinez Costa’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****
Answer: Idariza Martinez Costa works in the industry of: Hospital & Health Care
Answer: Idariza Martinez Costa is the current Legal and Regulatory Pharmacy Specialist at Tabula Rasa HealthCare.... Read More
Answer: Idariza Martinez Costa works Tabula Rasa HealthCare located at 228 Strawbridge Drive, Moorestown, , 8057, New Jersey, United States
Answer: Tabula Rasa HealthCare's Legal and Regulatory Pharmacy Specialist is Idariza Martinez Costa
Answer: Idariza Martinez-Costa contact details:
- Phone number : (***)-***-****
- Email : i****
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