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Heather Felder

Cost Estimator at Anchor Bay Packaging

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  • description Description
    Designers and Manufacturers of multi-material packaging solutions with expertise in the automotive industry.
  • Employees count Employees 201-500
  • Revenue Revenue 25 Million to 50 Million
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Ed Blair

Design and Test Lab Manager

Carol Trombley

Customer Service Sales Representative

Max Monzo

Facilities Maintenance Specialist

Cheryl Froude

Safety and Health Manager/Human Resources

Shane Reisner

Director of Business Development

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Heather Felder

Answer: Heather Felder works for Anchor Bay Packaging as Cost Estimator

Answer: Heather Felder’s role in Anchor Bay Packaging is Cost Estimator

Answer: Heather Felder's email address is h***

Answer: Heather Felder's business email address is h****

Answer: Heather Felder’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****

Answer: Heather Felder works in the industry of: Packaging and Containers

Answer: Heather Felder works Anchor Bay Packaging located at 23 Mile Rd, New Baltimore, , 78586, Michigan, 30905, United States

Answer: Anchor Bay Packaging's Cost Estimator is Heather Felder

Answer: Heather Felder contact details:

  • Phone number  :  (***)-***-****
  • Email  :  h****

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