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Geena Trang

Program Assistant at Our City Forest

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  • description Description
    The mission of Our City Forest is to cultivate a green and healthy San Jose metropolis by engaging community members in the appreciation, protection, growth and maintenance of our urban ecosy...

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  • Employees count Employees 11-50
  • Revenue Revenue 50 Million to 100 Million
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Shirley Chun

Communications Assistant

Zoe Davis

Climate Action Leader

Berenice Barragan-Rocha

Urban Forestry and Community Outreach Specialist

Lowell Berry

Volunteer & Outreach Programs Manager

Jorge González

Tree Planting Coordinator

Caitlyn McElligott

Americorps Member: Our City Forest: Urban Forester

Katherine Yee

Nursery Management Lead

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Geena Trang

Answer: Geena Trang works for Our City Forest as Program Assistant

Answer: Geena Trang’s role in Our City Forest is Program Assistant

Answer: Geena Trang's email address is g***

Answer: Geena Trang's business email address is g****

Answer: Geena Trang’s direct phone number is (***)-***-****

Answer: Geena Trang works in the industry of: Environmental Services

Answer: Geena Trang works Our City Forest located at 1195 Clark St, Alexandria, Virginia, 95125, United States

Answer: Our City Forest's Program Assistant is Geena Trang

Answer: Geena Trang contact details:

  • Phone number  :  (***)-***-****
  • Email  :  g****

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