Yucaipa High School

Yucaipa High School

Primary And Secondary Education, 417 Main St, Yucaipa, California, 81623, United States, 201-500 Employees


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phone no Phone Number: 80********


Yucaipa High School (YHS), home of the Thunderbirds! YHS is a public high school in Yucaipa, California that serves the cities of Yucaipa and Calimesa and the community of Oak Glen, 65 mi...

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  • 417 Main St, Yucaipa, California, 81623, United States Headquarters: 417 Main St, Yucaipa, California, 81623, United States
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million

industries-icon Industry: Primary and Secondary Education

SIC SIC Code: 8211

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Yucaipa High School

Answer: Yucaipa High School's headquarters are located at 417 Main St, Yucaipa, California, 81623, United States

Answer: Yucaipa High School's phone number is 80********

Answer: Yucaipa High School's official website is https://schoolblocks.com

Answer: Yucaipa High School's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Yucaipa High School's SIC: 8211

Answer: Yucaipa High School has 201-500 employees

Answer: Yucaipa High School is in Primary and Secondary Education

Answer: Yucaipa High School contact info: Phone number: 80******** Website: https://schoolblocks.com

Answer: Yucaipa High School (YHS), home of the Thunderbirds! YHS is a public high school in Yucaipa, California that serves the cities of Yucaipa and Calimesa and the community of Oak Glen, 65 miles east of Los Angeles. Vision: Create a dynamic environment of respect and achievement, where ALL students can apply their knowledge and experience to contribute purposefully in a global society. Mission: A YHS student will develop the knowledge and skill set needed to be successful in a rapidly changing global society. Stakeholders will cultivate skills in collaboration, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, responsibility, community awareness and the ethical use of technology. Our school climate enhances the students desire to become an active contributor in society and provides a variety of college and career pathways.

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