Computer Software, 7900 N Radcliffe St Ste 13, Bristol, Pennsylvania, 19007, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: +16*********
Who is XCENT
XCENT is a software development company with a wide range of experience, technologies and tools for enabling commerce. Our development staff has experience in a number of vertical market ...
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Headquarters: 7900 N Radcliffe St Ste 13, Bristol, Pennsylvania, 19007, United States
Date Founded: 1990
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Computer Software
SIC Code: 7371
NAICS Code: 541511 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding XCENT
Answer: XCENT's headquarters are located at 7900 N Radcliffe St Ste 13, Bristol, Pennsylvania, 19007, United States
Answer: XCENT's phone number is +16*********
Answer: XCENT's official website is https://xcent.com
Answer: XCENT's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: XCENT's SIC: 7371
Answer: XCENT's NAICS: 541511
Answer: XCENT has 11-50 employees
Answer: XCENT is in Computer Software
Answer: XCENT contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website: https://xcent.com
Answer: XCENT is a software development company with a wide range of experience, technologies and tools for enabling commerce. Our development staff has experience in a number of vertical market segments ranging from retail, manufacturing, mobile, e-Commerce, warehousing, pharma, process control and more. Our primary development stack focuses on implementing projects using the Microsoft .NET framework such as C# and Microsoft SQL Server. Our current product offerings include web-based applications that encompass ecommerce and information management solutions. Our flagship product xcAuction enables site operators to establish an on-line auction environment. Specialty market segments have been able to capitalize on the operation of their own auction site when participating in a more generalized or consumer oriented on-line auction sites would result in dilution of their presence. In addition, we can custom tailor our e-Commerce platforms to meet specific industry needs.
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