

Chemicals, 83 Sunrise Ln, Panacea, Florida, 32346, United States, 1-10 Employees


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Wysiwash manufactures a hose-end sanitizing/disinfectant product that produces a low pH chlorine solution that outperforms liquid bleach in every category. Our patented technology is uniq...

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  • 83 Sunrise Ln, Panacea, Florida, 32346, United States Headquarters: 83 Sunrise Ln, Panacea, Florida, 32346, United States
  • 2006 Date Founded: 2006
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Chemicals

SIC SIC Code: 5085 | NAICS Code: 236116 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wysiwash

Answer: Wysiwash's headquarters are located at 83 Sunrise Ln, Panacea, Florida, 32346, United States

Answer: Wysiwash's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Wysiwash's official website is https://wysiwash.com

Answer: Wysiwash's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Wysiwash's SIC: 5085

Answer: Wysiwash's NAICS: 236116

Answer: Wysiwash has 1-10 employees

Answer: Wysiwash is in Chemicals

Answer: Wysiwash contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website: https://wysiwash.com

Answer: Wysiwash manufactures a hose-end sanitizing/disinfectant product that produces a low pH chlorine solution that outperforms liquid bleach in every category. Our patented technology is uniquely innovative and versatile, making Wysiwash the perfect solution for a myriad of industries. Our top markets now are in animal care, correctional facilities, municipal and residential pools, post-harvest agriculture, and consumer food service. The Wysiwash Story To make a long story short, we developed the Wysiwash Sanitizers of today by improving on the seminal work of Dr. Brent Hoadley, the inventor of the original hydro-injection venturi system that is still used in our Wysiwash systems today. After using Wysiwash, I immediately began thinking about acquiring the patent and improving the product to make it marketable to the masses. At this point, we have developed a treasure trove of intellectual properties that promise to deliver in the world of disinfection. We know that no other product on the market can compete with Wysiwash in terms of effectiveness, cost, safety, ease of use, and time savings. Knowing and understanding the products a company sells is critical to getting the product message out. We understand Wysiwash because we used the product first and then built a company around that product. Please allow us to help you get to know this incredible product as well. Believe me! Its a game changer for ANYONE actively participating in animal care!!!

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