W.S. Thomas Transfer

W.S. Thomas Transfer

Transportation, Trucking And Railroad, 1854 Morgantown Ave, Fairmont, West Virginia, 26554, United States, 51-200 Employees


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William Seddon Thomas was born in 1864, in Dravosburg, Pennsylvania. As a young man, he chose the hauling business as his profession. By the time he was thirty-five years old, he was know...

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  • 1854 Morgantown Ave, Fairmont, West Virginia, 26554, United States Headquarters: 1854 Morgantown Ave, Fairmont, West Virginia, 26554, United States
  • 1899 Date Founded: 1899
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

SIC SIC Code: 4212 | NAICS Code: 484121 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding W.S. Thomas Transfer

Answer: W.S. Thomas Transfer's headquarters are located at 1854 Morgantown Ave, Fairmont, West Virginia, 26554, United States

Answer: W.S. Thomas Transfer's phone number is +13*********

Answer: W.S. Thomas Transfer's official website is https://wsthomas.com

Answer: W.S. Thomas Transfer's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: W.S. Thomas Transfer's SIC: 4212

Answer: W.S. Thomas Transfer's NAICS: 484121

Answer: W.S. Thomas Transfer has 51-200 employees

Answer: W.S. Thomas Transfer is in Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

Answer: W.S. Thomas Transfer contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website: https://wsthomas.com

Answer: William Seddon Thomas was born in 1864, in Dravosburg, Pennsylvania. As a young man, he chose the hauling business as his profession. By the time he was thirty-five years old, he was known as the one to call when a moving problem was difficult. In 1899 in Fairmont, West Virginia, word of Thomass skills came to an industrialist, so the story goes, who was hard pressed to manage the logistics of a complex moving job. Presented with this challenge, Thomas accepted and began the slow expensive process of moving his teams to Fairmont. He brought his horses and rare rigging skills into the bustling and booming coal fields of northern West Virginia. He arrived in town, executed the assignment, and learned to his dismay that his employer had failed in business and was bankrupt. Never paid for the work, he did not have the funds to return to Dravosburg. Yet his fine horses required feed, and his wagons needed repairs. Without funds for these and other expenses, Thomas had little choice but to remain where he was. He went to work in Fairmont, advertising proudly that no job was too small, too dangerous, or too large for him to undertake. W.S. Thomas Transfer was born! Over one hundred years later, W.S. Thomas Transfer still operates out of the town of Fairmont, West Virginia, and is known as the most dependable hauler in the area. We have been through the Great Depression, two World Wars, multiple smaller wars and numerous Recessions. We have watched competitors come and go, customers open and close and associates hired and retired. Some have asked How have you stayed in business for so long? To them we reply Talk to a W.S. Thomas customer for the answer. To be associated with such a great company, with so many dedicated people, makes coming to work a joy each day. Said George Able, Operations Manager and thirty plus year company veteran. The people that I work with and our customers have made work a fun thing for a long time Able added.


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