Wintergreen Hospitality
Hospitality, 157 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27514, United States, 1-10 Employees
Essentially, we are in the kindness business. If that sounds hokey to you or a bit touchy-feely, guess what? People actually pay us to be kind, generous, and helpful to them. Thats what t...
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Headquarters: 157 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27514, United States
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
Industry: Hospitality
SIC Code: 7929
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wintergreen Hospitality
Answer: Wintergreen Hospitality's headquarters are located at 157 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27514, United States
Answer: Wintergreen Hospitality's official website is
Answer: Wintergreen Hospitality's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: Wintergreen Hospitality's SIC: 7929
Answer: Wintergreen Hospitality has 1-10 employees
Answer: Wintergreen Hospitality is in Hospitality
Answer: Wintergreen Hospitality contact info: Phone number: Website:
Answer: Essentially, we are in the kindness business. If that sounds hokey to you or a bit touchy-feely, guess what? People actually pay us to be kind, generous, and helpful to them. Thats what theyre looking for when they come to stay with us in our hotels. And since we believe that people should naturally be treating one another with kindness and generosity, we find it incredible that we even get paid to do it! Our job is to hire folks who share this belief so we dont have to convince them to drink the Kool-Aid. You know who they are the sort who are generous by nature and demonstrate kindness every day in their own lives and youll find them throughout our hotels. We believe these are the people who are naturally inclined to serve others. That they find joy in the pleasure of others. And that they also believe people should always be kind and generous to one another. Were building a world full of people that share these beliefs, where everyone takes responsibility for making each human interaction uplifting and enchanting. Imagine the kind of experience our guests have in the hands of these individuals. Individuals who dont wait around for a supervisors instructions or a managers approval to make people happy. Individuals who instead take bold action to bring people on the spot joy. The resulting byproducts of this way of life are trust, loyalty, and emotional connections that translate into raving fans who want to keep spending money at our hotels. So everyone wins: our employees, our guests, our collaborators, and our investors... hows that for touchy-feely?
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