Williamsburg Charter High School

Education Management, 198 Varet St, Brooklyn, New York, 11206, United States, 51-200 Employees


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"The object of a school is to carry the child as far as possible in its knowledge of the accumulated wisdom of the world." - W.E.B. Dubois Mission Statement: The Williamsburg Charter High...

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  • 198 Varet St, Brooklyn, New York, 11206, United States Headquarters: 198 Varet St, Brooklyn, New York, 11206, United States
  • 2004 Date Founded: 2004
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Education Management

SIC SIC Code: 3444 | NAICS Code: 611110 | Show More

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Williamsburg Charter High School Org Chart and Mapping


Kelly Leprohon

School Counselor, Department Leader

Sean Jackson

Student Life Associate

Melissa Wade

Special Education Compliance Coordinator

John Daniels

Agricuture Education Instructor/Ffa Advisor

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Williamsburg Charter High School

Answer: Williamsburg Charter High School's headquarters are located at 198 Varet St, Brooklyn, New York, 11206, United States

Answer: Williamsburg Charter High School's phone number is 71********

Answer: Williamsburg Charter High School's official website is https://thewcs.org

Answer: Williamsburg Charter High School's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Williamsburg Charter High School's SIC: 3444

Answer: Williamsburg Charter High School's NAICS: 611110

Answer: Williamsburg Charter High School has 51-200 employees

Answer: Williamsburg Charter High School is in Education Management

Answer: Williamsburg Charter High School contact info: Phone number: 71******** Website: https://thewcs.org

Answer: "The object of a school is to carry the child as far as possible in its knowledge of the accumulated wisdom of the world." - W.E.B. Dubois Mission Statement: The Williamsburg Charter High School unites youth, families, staff, teachers and the community at large in providing young people with the tools necessary to make sense of the world, preparing them in their journey to become citizens of the local and global community. Young people will accomplish this through participation in a liberal arts education that includes language, literature, writing, science, history, mathematics, the visual and performing arts, technology and explorations in disciplines designed to teach justice, independent thinking, respect and compassion for themselves and others as well as the skills of critical thinking, communication and research.

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