Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Health, Wellness And Fitness, 3474 Alaiedon Pkwy, Okemos, Michigan, 48864, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +15*********
With a passion for people and physical therapy, Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy helps patients reach their goals through a specialized one-on-one treatment plan that helps them reduce p...
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- Headquarters: 3474 Alaiedon Pkwy, Okemos, Michigan, 48864, United States
- Date Founded: 2016
- Employees: 1-10
- Revenue: Under $1 Million
- Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Health, Wellness and Fitness
SIC Code: 8049 | NAICS Code: 621111 | Show More
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Answer: Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy's headquarters are located at 3474 Alaiedon Pkwy, Okemos, Michigan, 48864, United States
Answer: Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy's phone number is +15*********
Answer: Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy's official website is https://wertzpt.com
Answer: Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy's SIC: 8049
Answer: Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy's NAICS: 621111
Answer: Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy has 1-10 employees
Answer: Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy is in Health, Wellness and Fitness
Answer: Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website: https://wertzpt.com
Answer: With a passion for people and physical therapy, Wertz Orthopedic Physical Therapy helps patients reach their goals through a specialized one-on-one treatment plan that helps them reduce pain, restore function, and increase strength over time. Our teams extensive knowledge and years of hands-on experience allow us to understand how to evaluate and treat cases ranging in complexity. We even offer Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy, a specialized form of physical therapy that involves the strategic manipulation of the spine and other joints.
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