Waterville Creates

Waterville Creates

Civic & Social Organization, 93 Main St, Waterville, Maine, 04901, United States, 11-50 Employees


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Waterville Creates (WC) is a comprehensive resource for residents and visitors looking to explore and enjoy the arts in Waterville. As an inclusive collaborator, promoter, and advocate fo...

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industries-icon Industry: Civic & Social Organization

SIC SIC Code: 7922 | NAICS Code: 711219 | Show More

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Serena Sanborn

Education and Outreach Manager at Waterville Creates

Marie Sugden

Exhibitions Coordinator

Alina Castaldy

Administrative Assistant

Phoebe Sanborn

Administrative Coordinator

Jordyn Chelf

Marketing and Development Coordinator

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Waterville Creates

Answer: Waterville Creates's headquarters are located at 93 Main St, Waterville, Maine, 04901, United States

Answer: Waterville Creates's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Waterville Creates's official website is https://watervillecreates.org

Answer: Waterville Creates's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Waterville Creates's SIC: 7922

Answer: Waterville Creates's NAICS: 711219

Answer: Waterville Creates has 11-50 employees

Answer: Waterville Creates is in Civic & Social Organization

Answer: Waterville Creates contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website: https://watervillecreates.org

Answer: Waterville Creates (WC) is a comprehensive resource for residents and visitors looking to explore and enjoy the arts in Waterville. As an inclusive collaborator, promoter, and advocate for artistic expression, WC connects artists, community, and arts and cultural institutions to make the arts accessible to individuals of all ages and artistic abilities. We believe that the arts have powerthe power to strengthen community bonds, the power to drive a robust local economy, and the power to enrich lives through creative expression. We believe art and culture are vital to a vibrant community and a prosperous citythe future we want for Waterville. We know that Waterville residents see the arts as integral to their lives and to a thriving community. They want to have fun, be entertained, and practice creative expression in their own community. We believe the arts are an important part of what makes Waterville a desirable place to live, work, and play. Composed of a dedicated and creative staff with backgrounds and expertise spanning many disciplines, Waterville Creates has a solid foundation in film through the Maine Film Center; theatre and the performing arts through the Waterville Opera House; visual arts through Ticonic Gallery + Studios (formerly Common Street Arts); and our collaboration with the Colby College Museum of Art; and literary arts and creative expression through our close relationship with the Waterville Public Library. Working as a cohesive unit, we will achieve our collective goal of making Waterville a destination and a thriving creative hub.

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