Vip Blue
Insurance, W Dixie Hwy, Miami, , 33180, Florida, 20200, United States, 11-50 Employees
Leader in the planning market, present in Brazil, Latin America, USA and Europe for over 25 years, VIP BLUE is an MGA (Master General Agency) and Master Brokerage of insurance and interna...
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- Headquarters: 20200 W Dixie Hwy, Miami, Florida, 33180, United States
- Date Founded: 2009
- Employees: 11-50
- Revenue: Under $1 Million
- Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Insurance
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding VIP BLUE
Answer: VIP BLUE's headquarters are located at W Dixie Hwy, Miami, , 33180, Florida, 20200, United States
Answer: VIP BLUE's official website is
Answer: VIP BLUE's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: VIP BLUE has 11-50 employees
Answer: VIP BLUE is in Insurance
Answer: VIP BLUE contact info: Phone number: Website:
Answer: Leader in the planning market, present in Brazil, Latin America, USA and Europe for over 25 years, VIP BLUE is an MGA (Master General Agency) and Master Brokerage of insurance and international investments, which represents its clients with total independence. VIP BLUE has agreements with the main international insurance companies and brokers, onshore and offshore, with access to all types of insurance and dozens of products available in the market. VIP BLUE does not charge for its services, and we guarantee our clients solutions tailored to their needs for health insurance with asset protection, international and national life insurance and wealth and succession planning with the best in the market. We highly value rour relationship with our clients and agents, which we are proud to serve them with our exceptional service, a key factor of our success. Lider no mercado de planejamento, presente no Brasil, na America Latina, EUA e Europa ha mais de 25 anos, a VIP BLUE e um MGA (Master General Agency) e Master Brokerage de seguros e investimentos internacionais, que representa os seus clientes com total independencia. A VIP BLUE possui acordos com as principais seguradoras e corretoras internacionais, onshore e offshore, com acesso a todos os tipos de seguro, e a dezenas de produtos disponiveis no mercado. A VIP BLUE nao cobra por seus servicos, e garantimos aos nossos clientes solucoes customizadas as suas necessidades para seguros de saude com blindagem patrimonial, seguro de vida international e nacional e planejamento de fortuna e sucessorio com as melhores condicoes do mercado. Valorizamos muito nosso relacionamento com nossos clientes e agentes, que nos orgulhamos de atende-los com nosso servico excepcional, um fator chave do nosso sucesso.
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