Vet Score
Information Technology And Services, 257 Park Ave S 13th Fl, Charlottesville, Virginia, 10010, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +12*********
Founded in 2020, VetScore is a combat-veteran-owned strategy and software design company. Inspired by our father's horrendous experience navigating the Veterans Affairs disability system ...
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Headquarters: 257 Park Ave S 13th Fl, Charlottesville, Virginia, 10010, United States
Date Founded: 2019
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Information Technology and Services
SIC Code: 4899
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding VetScore
Answer: VetScore's headquarters are located at 257 Park Ave S 13th Fl, Charlottesville, Virginia, 10010, United States
Answer: VetScore's phone number is +12*********
Answer: VetScore's official website is
Answer: VetScore's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million
Answer: VetScore's SIC: 4899
Answer: VetScore has 1-10 employees
Answer: VetScore is in Information Technology and Services
Answer: VetScore contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:
Answer: Founded in 2020, VetScore is a combat-veteran-owned strategy and software design company. Inspired by our father's horrendous experience navigating the Veterans Affairs disability system after their military service, and their call to transform the system for the next generation. VetScore contributes to their vision in two fundamental ways: by recurrently educating currently serving servicemembers and Veterans on military veterans health, policy, and advocacy issues in a first-of-its-kind community and by facilitating the development of novel strategies and software that seeks to revolutionize the way service members and veterans interact with the current Veterans Affairs disability ecosystem. The Problem: VetScore attacks two significant problems for our nations service members, Veterans, and their families. First, VetScore seeks to cultivate an understanding of military veterans health, policy, and advocacy issues over a career, rather than upon the culmination of their service. Second, VetScore seeks to inject disruptive innovation strategies and software into the Veterans Affairs disability ecosystem. Mission Success: VetScore rapidly and recurrently educates its members on military veterans health, policy, and advocacy issues from the moment they enlist or commission. Going beyond recurring education, VetScore seeks to establish and grow the worlds largest Veterans Affairs disability community. The VetScore software revolutionizes how service members interact with their medical records.
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