Union Savings and Loan Association

Union Savings And Loan Association

Banking, 730 N Central Ave, Connersville, Indiana, 47331, United States, 11-50 Employees


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phone no Phone Number: 17*********


Union Savings and Loan is a community bank serving east-central Indiana, with locations in Connersville, Greenfield, and Rushville. Founded in 1892, USLA is a conservative, old school ban...

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  • 730 N Central Ave, Connersville, Indiana, 47331, United States Headquarters: 730 N Central Ave, Connersville, Indiana, 47331, United States
  • 1892 Date Founded: 1892
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Banking

SIC SIC Code: 6036 | NAICS Code: 522180 | Show More

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Kara Back

Administrative Trust Assistant

Laura Howard

Audit Compliance Manager

Heather Tipton

AVP Senior Operations & Collection Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Union Savings and Loan Association

Answer: Union Savings and Loan Association's headquarters are located at 730 N Central Ave, Connersville, Indiana, 47331, United States

Answer: Union Savings and Loan Association's phone number is 17*********

Answer: Union Savings and Loan Association's official website is https://unionsla.com

Answer: Union Savings and Loan Association's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Union Savings and Loan Association's SIC: 6036

Answer: Union Savings and Loan Association's NAICS: 522180

Answer: Union Savings and Loan Association has 11-50 employees

Answer: Union Savings and Loan Association is in Banking

Answer: Union Savings and Loan Association contact info: Phone number: 17********* Website: https://unionsla.com

Answer: Union Savings and Loan is a community bank serving east-central Indiana, with locations in Connersville, Greenfield, and Rushville. Founded in 1892, USLA is a conservative, old school bank, committed to the customer service and hometown style that has made us successful in the 19th, 20th, and now 21st Centuries. If you are looking for a bank that still maintains traditional values, still believes in community service, and still makes loan decisions locally, then Union Savings and Loan is for you. Union Savings & Loan is a Mutual, which means we do not have stockholders to satisfy, only Customers.


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