Tutors on Wheels

Tutors On Wheels

Education Management, 6860 Austin St, Forest Hills, New York, 11375, United States, 1-10 Employees


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For over fourteen years, Tutors on Wheels has been providing exceptional tutoring services and specialized educational programs that make a difference to thousands of students throughout ...

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industries-icon Industry: Education Management

SIC SIC Code: 8299 | NAICS Code: 611691 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tutors on Wheels

Answer: Tutors on Wheels's headquarters are located at 6860 Austin St, Forest Hills, New York, 11375, United States

Answer: Tutors on Wheels's phone number is +17*********

Answer: Tutors on Wheels's official website is https://tutorsonwheels.com

Answer: Tutors on Wheels's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Tutors on Wheels's SIC: 8299

Answer: Tutors on Wheels's NAICS: 611691

Answer: Tutors on Wheels has 1-10 employees

Answer: Tutors on Wheels is in Education Management

Answer: Tutors on Wheels contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website: https://tutorsonwheels.com

Answer: For over fourteen years, Tutors on Wheels has been providing exceptional tutoring services and specialized educational programs that make a difference to thousands of students throughout New York City. Our instructional methods have provided these students with the concepts, strategies and skills needed for academic success which has laid the foundation for college and career readiness. It is our mission to support the nations educational initiatives by making every effort to create meaningful and productive educational experiences that will foster in our students a love for learning. Tutors on Wheels has been a contracted provider of Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS) throughout New York City in many Charter, Public, Private and Religious schools as well as in many homes since its introduction by the New York City Department of Education in 2004. SETSS services were designed to be free and flexible, helping students to remain in the general education classroom and use the combined expertise of both the general and special education teacher. Tutors on Wheels understands the different needs of students and believes in flexibility. In order to meet all students needs, besides providing the convenience of SETSS services at home, our providers can also offer SETSS services on a push-in/pull-out basis during the school day or after school in an individual or group setting within the school building.

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