Turner Supply

Turner Supply

Transportation, Trucking And Railroad, 250 N. Royal St, Mobile, Alabama, 36602, United States, 51-200 Employees


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Turner Supply Company is one of the largest independently owned industrial distributors in North America. Turner is based in the Southeastern US and has ten warehouses and distribution ce...

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industries-icon Industry: Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

SIC SIC Code: 5085 | NAICS Code: 423830 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Turner Supply

Answer: Turner Supply's headquarters are located at 250 N. Royal St, Mobile, Alabama, 36602, United States

Answer: Turner Supply's phone number is 25********

Answer: Turner Supply's official website is https://turnersupply.com

Answer: Turner Supply's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Turner Supply's SIC: 5085

Answer: Turner Supply's NAICS: 423830

Answer: Turner Supply has 51-200 employees

Answer: Turner Supply is in Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

Answer: Turner Supply contact info: Phone number: 25******** Website: https://turnersupply.com

Answer: Turner Supply Company is one of the largest independently owned industrial distributors in North America. Turner is based in the Southeastern US and has ten warehouses and distribution center locations plus integrated supply sites serving customers from Pennsylvania to Texas to Mexico. Turner owns and operates its own fleet of delivery and service vehicles from each branch. We offer regularly scheduled delivery service, in-plant delivery, and non-scheduled emergency deliveries to meet our customer needs. We have a 24/7 customer emergency and delivery for our partners. Turner Supply Company is a member of Affiliated Distributors, A-D, the largest buying and marketing group in the industry with over $25 billion in annual sales. Through interaction with other distributors in this association, as well as ISA (Industrial Supply Association) and NIBA (National Industrial Belting Association), Turner Supply Company stays on the leading edge of new programs, technologies, and opportunities for our partners. Since 1905 we have made the commitment in resources , personnel, technology, and foresight to meet the changing needs of our industrial and manufacturing customers.


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