Turner Publishing

Marketing And Advertising, P.O. Box 214, Turner, , 4282, Maine, United States, 11-50 Employees


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Turner Publishing offers a comprehensive, affordable marketing package to fit any size company. With our good news publications we reach over 200,000 mailboxes in Central, Western and par...

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industries-icon Industry: Marketing and Advertising

SIC SIC Code: 2711 | NAICS Code: 511110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Turner Publishing

Answer: Turner Publishing's headquarters are located at P.O. Box 214, Turner, , 4282, Maine, United States

Answer: Turner Publishing's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Turner Publishing's official website is https://turnerpublishing.net

Answer: Turner Publishing's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Turner Publishing's SIC: 2711

Answer: Turner Publishing's NAICS: 511110

Answer: Turner Publishing has 11-50 employees

Answer: Turner Publishing is in Marketing and Advertising

Answer: Turner Publishing contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website: https://turnerpublishing.net

Answer: Turner Publishing offers a comprehensive, affordable marketing package to fit any size company. With our good news publications we reach over 200,000 mailboxes in Central, Western and parts of Southern Maine every month. That's over 607,000 readers by mail. Our daily digital news and events platforms attract over 35,000 uv's , 556,000 viewers and over 10,000 subscribers and many advertisers. Each year we direct mail over 2 million publications into over 130 different communities, FREE, We provide FREE ad design and FREE press to our advertising businesses and we tell their stories FREE. "Who does anything FREE anymore?" Because of our longevity, people in these communities are familiar with our publications and we can say with confidence that we are not overlooked. We have now partnered with other direct mail resources to provide the "Largest," direct mail business flyer program in Maine. Now businesses can market their products and services directly to their consumer for pennies through this shared mail program and of course design is FREE for our advertising businesses. Call 207 225 2076 to learn more or email: advertising@turnernerpublishng.net . Turner Publishing reaches towns in Androscoggin, Cumberland, Franklin, Kennebec, Oxford, Sagadahoc, Somerset, and York Counties.

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