Printing, 2718 Azalea Dr, North Charleston, South Carolina, 29405, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: 84********
Who is TURN90
Turn90 is a community-based organization operating in South Carolina that equips men to succeed after prison. The "Print Shop with a Purpose" is a full-service screen-printing business. S...
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Headquarters: 2718 Azalea Dr, North Charleston, South Carolina, 29405, United States
Date Founded: 2014
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Printing
SIC Code: 8299
Turn90 Org Chart and Mapping
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Turn90
Answer: Turn90's headquarters are located at 2718 Azalea Dr, North Charleston, South Carolina, 29405, United States
Answer: Turn90's phone number is 84********
Answer: Turn90's official website is https://turningleafproject.com
Answer: Turn90's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: Turn90's SIC: 8299
Answer: Turn90 has 11-50 employees
Answer: Turn90 is in Printing
Answer: Turn90 contact info: Phone number: 84******** Website: https://turningleafproject.com
Answer: Turn90 is a community-based organization operating in South Carolina that equips men to succeed after prison. The "Print Shop with a Purpose" is a full-service screen-printing business. Support of our print shop supplies the men in our program with a paid job until we are able to secure them employment with competitive wages and benefits. Ask us about the different ways we can help you fulfill the unique screen-print needs for your business or your next event. The program is pioneering in its approach. It combines behavioral therapy, one-on-one counseling, on-site transitional employment, and job placement to offer a proven model of prison re-entry. The approach is a giant step away from the traditional charity-based re-entry model of providing basic needs services. Turn90 focuses on equipping people with critical social, emotional, and workforce development skills and access to living wage employment. It creates a path to success after prison where one doesnt currently exist. The result? A 78% success rate. When you choose Turn90, you provide a path for someone to leave prison behind. In a world where 62% of former inmates are re-arrested within three years, 78% of Turn90 graduates work successfully and stay out of prison. Use the Print Shop with a Purpose to Ink a New Life.
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