Trelleborg Wheel Systems

Trelleborg Wheel Systems

Machinery, 5120 Eagle Pt Rd, Rome, Wisconsin, 54751, United States, 5001-10000 Employees

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Trelleborg Wheel Systems (TWS) is a major designer and producer of innovative tire solutions and services for the agriculture, material handling, construction and two-wheelers market with...

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  • 5120 Eagle Pt Rd, Rome, Wisconsin, 54751, United States Headquarters: 5120 Eagle Pt Rd, Rome, Wisconsin, 54751, United States
  • 5001-10000 Employees: 5001-10000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $500 Million to $1 Billion

industries-icon Industry: Machinery

SIC SIC Code: 5072 | NAICS Code: 339991 | Show More

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Kyle Ascolese

Accounts Payable Specialist

Allison Tyrée

North American Oem Segment Sales Manager - Material Handling

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Trelleborg Wheel Systems

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems's headquarters are located at 5120 Eagle Pt Rd, Rome, Wisconsin, 54751, United States

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems's phone number is +17*********

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems's official website is

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems's revenue is $500 Million to $1 Billion

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems's SIC: 5072

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems's NAICS: 339991

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems has 5001-10000 employees

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems is in Machinery

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:

Answer: Trelleborg Wheel Systems (TWS) is a major designer and producer of innovative tire solutions and services for the agriculture, material handling, construction and two-wheelers market with a multi-brand product offering and operations across 5 continents. We bring cutting edge innovation with our vast tire selection, after-sales services and advanced digital products to make sure our customers always get the most out of their businesses and leisure. We work closely with OEM partners, vehicle experts, industry specialists and individual customers across the world to provide solutions that improve cost savings while maximizing vehicle performance. At TWS we put our customers in the drivers seat, delivering new innovative tire solutions and services geared to make their jobs easier. We are a global company with a local reach: our teams of product specialists are active in 100+ countries, ensuring that OEMs and users gain more sustainable operations and benefit from our expertise wherever they are. Boasting 14 state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, field tests, and sustainable product sourcing, we work hard to bring our customers worldwide the latest in tire innovations and services to help them maximize their productivity while minimizing resources. We are committed to supporting the local communities where we operate, with a strong commitment to both people and the planet. This includes working to reduce our footprint as set forth in our sustainability plan covering the entire value chain of our products with a circular approach.


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