TravelSpan Vacations

Travel Span Vacations

Leisure, Travel & Tourism, Liberty Ave, Richmond Hill, , 11419, New York, 12104, United States, 51-200 Employees

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TravelSpan - Specializing in Airline Tickets and Vacation Packages TravelSpan is an air travel company with a difference. With over 15 years of experience, and thousands of satisfied pass...

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  • 12104 Liberty Ave, Richmond Hill, New York, 11419, United States Headquarters: 12104 Liberty Ave, Richmond Hill, New York, 11419, United States
  • 1994 Date Founded: 1994
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Leisure, Travel & Tourism

SIC SIC Code: 4724 | NAICS Code: 561510 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding TravelSpan Vacations

Answer: TravelSpan Vacations's headquarters are located at Liberty Ave, Richmond Hill, , 11419, New York, 12104, United States

Answer: TravelSpan Vacations's phone number is +17*********

Answer: TravelSpan Vacations's official website is

Answer: TravelSpan Vacations's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: TravelSpan Vacations's SIC: 4724

Answer: TravelSpan Vacations's NAICS: 561510

Answer: TravelSpan Vacations has 51-200 employees

Answer: TravelSpan Vacations is in Leisure, Travel & Tourism

Answer: TravelSpan Vacations contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:

Answer: TravelSpan - Specializing in Airline Tickets and Vacation Packages TravelSpan is an air travel company with a difference. With over 15 years of experience, and thousands of satisfied passengers, TravelSpan is an established tour operator, specializing in discounted airfares and vacation packages to the Caribbean, India, Europe, Guyana Trinidad & Tobago. TravelSpan sells airline tickets and hotel packages to people for travel anywhere in the world. TravelSpan commands a stellar position as a premier travel company and tour operator. The TravelSpan offices are in the USA and our GSA representation in Trinidad and Guyana, are convenient for passengers who wish to make schedule changes for their flights or any other issues that they may need personal assistance with. The TravelSpan management team combined has over 50 years experience in the travel industry. TravelSpan for many years has contracted a dedicated Boeing 757-200 aircraft with 200 seats for the exclusive use of our loyal customers traveling between the Caribbean and the USA, operated by US air carriers these flights operate from JFK. We offer hot meals, movies, drinks and 2 free baggage and an in-flight coordinator. This dedicated aircraft enables TravelSpan to personalize our service, offer convenient departure times and, most significantly, low fares. Our travel industry affiliations include - ARC, IATA, ASTA, ALTA, and CTO. The TravelSpan management and staff are committed to offer you a superior service.

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