Town of West New York, NJ

Town Of West New York, Nj

Government Administration, 428 60th St, West , New Jersey, New York, 07093, United States, 201-500 Employees

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West New York, New Jersey (the "Town"), was incorporated as a municipality in 1898 by act of the New Jersey Legislature. The Town comprises approximately one square mile in the northern p...

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  • 428 60th St, West New York, New Jersey, 07093, United States Headquarters: 428 60th St, West New York, New Jersey, 07093, United States
  • 1898 Date Founded: 1898
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Government Administration

SIC SIC Code: 5812 | NAICS Code: 237990 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Town of West New York, NJ

Answer: Town of West New York, NJ's headquarters are located at 428 60th St, West , New Jersey, New York, 07093, United States

Answer: Town of West New York, NJ's phone number is 20********

Answer: Town of West New York, NJ's official website is

Answer: Town of West New York, NJ's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Town of West New York, NJ's SIC: 5812

Answer: Town of West New York, NJ's NAICS: 237990

Answer: Town of West New York, NJ has 201-500 employees

Answer: Town of West New York, NJ is in Government Administration

Answer: Town of West New York, NJ contact info: Phone number: 20******** Website:

Answer: West New York, New Jersey (the "Town"), was incorporated as a municipality in 1898 by act of the New Jersey Legislature. The Town comprises approximately one square mile in the northern portion of the County of Hudson. The Town is located on the west bank of the Hudson River directly across from New York City. It is approximately a twelve minute bus trip to Mid-Manhattan. The Town enjoys easy access to the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels and the George Washington Bridge. It is the shopping hub of central and northern Hudson County. The Town operates under an elected Commission form of Government. The Commission members are elected at large in nonpartisan elections to serve four year terms of office on a concurrent basis. Each Commissioner is assigned to head one of five departments. The Commission selects one of its members to serve as Mayor. The Mayor is the Chief Executive Officer of the Town and as such presides over all public meetings and makes appointments to various boards. The Commission exercises all legislative powers including final adoption of the municipal budget and bond ordinances and confirmation of the Mayor's appointments. A Town Administrator is appointed by the Commission and is responsible for the implementation of policies of the Commission, for the administration of all Town affairs, and for the day to day operations of the Town. The Town Administrator is the Chief Administrative Officer for the Town. The Town's major operations include public safety, road repair and maintenance, sanitation, fire protection, recreation and parks, health services, and general administrative services. The Town employs approximately 400 full and part time and 175 seasonal employees. The Town has a stable economic outlook and enjoys an A+ long term credit rating. Follow Us on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter) @TownofWNY #WeAreWNY

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