Town of Concord, MA

Town Of Concord, Ma

Government Administration, 22 Monument Sq, Concord, Massachusetts, 01742, United States, 501-1000 Employees

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The official page for the Town of Concord, Massachusetts. Concord, signifying agreement and harmony, was incorporated as the first inland settlement in Massachusetts through a grant from ...

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  • 22 Monument Sq, Concord, Massachusetts, 01742, United States Headquarters: 22 Monument Sq, Concord, Massachusetts, 01742, United States
  • 501-1000 Employees: 501-1000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million

industries-icon Industry: Government Administration

SIC SIC Code: 4931 | NAICS Code: 621399 | Show More

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Town of Concord, MA Org Chart and Mapping


Erik Shaw

Assistant Superintendent of Highways and Grounds

Tristan Boyd

Geographic Information Systems Analyst

Shannon McAndrew

Executive Assistant to the Concord Select Board

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Town of Concord, MA

Answer: Town of Concord, MA's headquarters are located at 22 Monument Sq, Concord, Massachusetts, 01742, United States

Answer: Town of Concord, MA's phone number is +19*********

Answer: Town of Concord, MA's official website is

Answer: Town of Concord, MA's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Town of Concord, MA's SIC: 4931

Answer: Town of Concord, MA's NAICS: 621399

Answer: Town of Concord, MA has 501-1000 employees

Answer: Town of Concord, MA is in Government Administration

Answer: Town of Concord, MA contact info: Phone number: +19********* Website:

Answer: The official page for the Town of Concord, Massachusetts. Concord, signifying agreement and harmony, was incorporated as the first inland settlement in Massachusetts through a grant from the Massachusetts General Court dated September 12, 1635. As the scene of the first battle of the American Revolutionary War on April 19, 1775, it is considered the birthplace of the nation, where the shot heard round the world for liberty and self government was fired. Located 20 miles west of Boston, Concords population has remained stable at 16,000 over the past several decades. It is a picturesque New England community of handsome residences, preserved open spaces, family-owned farms and thriving commercial centers. The town is served by MBTA commuter rail to Boston, Cambridge and Fitchburg; and a commuter bus to Boston. State highway Rt. 2 runs through Concord, and Routes 128/95 and 495 are easily accessible. Concord has an Open Town Meeting and a five member Select Board/Town Manager form of government. The Concord Municipal Light Plant distributes electricity, enabling rates to be lower and service more reliable than investor owned utilities. Concord Public Works provides water to most of the Town, with about one-third of the homes connected to town sewer. Police and Fire Departments are full time and emergency ambulance service is provided by the Concord Fire Department. The K-12 public school system includes three elementary schools, one middle school (on two campuses), and a regional high school with the Town of Carlisle. Concord is also a member of the Minute Man Regional School District, with a campus located in neighboring Lexington, offering an alternative high school in Applied Arts & Sciences to residents. Private schools located in Concord include Fenn School, Nashoba Brooks, Concord Academy, and Middlesex School. Several pre-schools, nursery schools, and day care centers (full-time, part-time and co-op) are located in Concord.

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