Therapeutic Interventions

Therapeutic Interventions

Mental Health Care, Lankford Hwy, Belle Haven, , 23306, Virginia, 36086, United States, 51-200 Employees

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School-Based Day Treatment & Case Management Program Our Programs are voluntary, comprehensive programs designed to work with students, families and school personnel. The programs are bas...

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industries-icon Industry: Mental Health Care

SIC SIC Code: 8049 | NAICS Code: 621999 | Show More

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Laura Markland

Therapeutic Day Treatment Counselor

Joslyn Sanders

Qualified Mental Health Professional, Child

Shelonda Townsend

Licensed Mental Health Professional

Tiara McIntosh

Mental Health Counselor

Contina Savage

Lmhp-E; Day Treatment Lead Counsleor

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National Counseling Group

  • 501-1000 501-1000
  • 10 Million to 25 Million $ 10 Million to 25 Million
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Therapeutic Interventions

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions's headquarters are located at Lankford Hwy, Belle Haven, , 23306, Virginia, 36086, United States

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions's phone number is 75********

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions's official website is

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions's SIC: 8049

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions's NAICS: 621999

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions has 51-200 employees

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions is in Mental Health Care

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions top competitors include: National Counseling Group

Answer: Therapeutic Interventions contact info: Phone number: 75******** Website:

Answer: School-Based Day Treatment & Case Management Program Our Programs are voluntary, comprehensive programs designed to work with students, families and school personnel. The programs are based on the belief that all children and adolescents have the ability to grow and achieve their full potential. We work to improve attendance and to enhance academic performance, problem solving, conflict resolution, and anger management skills. The primary emphasis is collaboration, as a team, with the family, school, and community.


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