The Westmoreland Museum of American Art

The Westmoreland Museum Of American Art

Museums And Institutions, 221 N Main St, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, 15601, United States, 11-50 Employees

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The Westmoreland Museum of American Art is located just 35 miles east of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the heart of historic Greensburg, tucked amidst the breathtaking Laurel Highlands. The...

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  • 221 N Main St, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, 15601, United States Headquarters: 221 N Main St, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, 15601, United States
  • 1959 Date Founded: 1959
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8412 | NAICS Code: 621111 | Show More

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Kevin Otoole

Director of Facilities

Claire Ertl

Director of Marketing & Public Relations

Brian Ruff

Director of Facilities

Joan McGarry

Director of Education and Visitor Engagement

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Westmoreland Museum of American Art

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art's headquarters are located at 221 N Main St, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, 15601, United States

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art's phone number is 72********

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art's official website is

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art's SIC: 8412

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art's NAICS: 621111

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art has 11-50 employees

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art contact info: Phone number: 72******** Website:

Answer: The Westmoreland Museum of American Art is located just 35 miles east of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the heart of historic Greensburg, tucked amidst the breathtaking Laurel Highlands. The Westmoreland is a regional museum with a national presence. But its more than a museum. Its a destination that presents a unique look at American life. Built to inspire and engage, its a place for people from all corners of the world to gather and experience American art. The Westmorelands collection includes works by major artists from four centuries. It also captures the regions rich agrarian and industrial past by placing local history within the greater context of our nation. The Museum is home to more than 3,400 objects of fine and decorative American art, including a new collection of post-1950 artwork. And, every work of art has a story to tell. On the heels of a dramatic renovation, The New Westmoreland has become a true 21st century museum with increased gallery and education spaces, enhanced community-oriented programming, and an architecturally-dynamic and LEED-certified new wing to feature traveling exhibitions. Why? So visitors may build a deeper relationship with the Museum's diverse collection, and develop a deeper appreciation for American art.


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