The Peale

The Peale

Museums And Institutions, 225 Holliday St, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202, United States, 11-50 Employees

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The Peale is a community museum, based in Baltimore, Maryland, and a place where anyone can contribute their story to the citys cultural and historical narrative. Together with creators a...

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  • 225 Holliday St, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202, United States Headquarters: 225 Holliday St, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202, United States
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8412

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Krista Green

Chief Administrative Officer

Nancy Proctor

Chief Strategy Officer and Founding Director

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Peale

Answer: The Peale's headquarters are located at 225 Holliday St, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202, United States

Answer: The Peale's official website is

Answer: The Peale's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: The Peale's SIC: 8412

Answer: The Peale has 11-50 employees

Answer: The Peale is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: The Peale top competitors include: Quatrefoil Associates , The Peak

Answer: The Peale contact info: Phone number: Website:

Answer: The Peale is a community museum, based in Baltimore, Maryland, and a place where anyone can contribute their story to the citys cultural and historical narrative. Together with creators and storytellers of all kinds, were actively redefining the role of museums in society and building the largest archive of Baltimore stories in the world. The Peale opened as the nations first purpose-built museum in 1814. Since then, the space has served many purposes, including Baltimores first city hall, the first public high school available to people of color in the state of Maryland, and the birthplace of the Baltimore Gas & Electric company, where gaslight technology was first introduced to "Light City." Today, we continue this legacy of adapting to the city's needs by being a platform and showcase for exhibits and cultural programming driven by local creators and storytellers. We are a non-collecting museum. We dont collect physical objects like paintings, furniture, or artifacts. Instead we support community projects, collaborating with local creators and culture keepers to realize the public programming, outreach, and education that is most relevant to their communities. Anyone can contribute to our growing archive of digital stories about the city the largest in the world to help preserve the intangible cultural heritage of Baltimore and cultivate a more complete narrative for our city.


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