The Nutritional Healing Center Of Ann Arbor
Alternative Medicine, 462 Jackson PLZ, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48103, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: +17*********
The NHCAA is a team of 8 healthcare practitioners who focus on improving and maintaining your health. The result of being on a health improvement nutritional program with us is great ener...
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- Headquarters: 462 Jackson PLZ, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48103, United States
- Date Founded: 2000
- Employees: 11-50
- Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
- Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Alternative Medicine
SIC Code: 8011
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor
Answer: The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor's headquarters are located at 462 Jackson PLZ, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48103, United States
Answer: The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor's phone number is +17*********
Answer: The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor's official website is
Answer: The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million
Answer: The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor's SIC: 8011
Answer: The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor has 11-50 employees
Answer: The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor is in Alternative Medicine
Answer: The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:
Answer: The NHCAA is a team of 8 healthcare practitioners who focus on improving and maintaining your health. The result of being on a health improvement nutritional program with us is great energy, pain reduction or elimination, well-being, sharp mental functioning, great sleep, improved blood test results and greater function. When you focus on improving your health these go away: sickness, symptoms and disease. Many people have discovered the inadequacies of drug and surgery based healthcare. It's useful for short term life saving but falls short in the Care of Health or health improvement which should be the foundation of our American medical system. We find that conventional medicine wants their patients to actively participate in health promoting activities between visits with supplements, exercise and food choices. That is where we come in with recommendations clinically determined with pinpoint accuracy for each individual's genetic makeup. We understand that you have a unique DNA code that allows a level of healing and a rate of recovery that's different than everyone else. There is no cookbook recipe of therapies that works for everyone. That's why we use tests and techniques that cater to your specific needs. With health insurance costs rising at double digit percentages every year, our programs become relatively less expensive. Currently, it costs less to do a nutrition program with us than it is to have major medical health insurance with a large deductible. What do you get for your money? You get your health back. The health that you lost years ago. How long does it take to get it back? Only six months to two years depending on how much you've abused your body and how fast it can recover. Why would you invest your time, effort and money into a nutritional program with us? Because the chances of you are getting the results you want are great. It really boils down to working with the body naturally because it heals when given the opportunity.
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