The Lane Crawford Joyce Group

The Lane Crawford Joyce Group

Retail, 2907 Central Ave, Hong Kong SAR, Alabama, 35209, United States, 5001-10000 Employees

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The Lane Crawford Joyce Group is comprised of three distinctly individual businesses, operating luxury department stores and boutiques, free-standing branded stores, e-commerce and omni-c...

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  • 2907 Central Ave, Hong Kong SAR, Alabama, 35209, United States Headquarters: 2907 Central Ave, Hong Kong SAR, Alabama, 35209, United States
  • 5001-10000 Employees: 5001-10000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million

industries-icon Industry: Retail

SIC SIC Code: 1521 | NAICS Code: 236116 | Show More

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  • 10 Million to 25 Million $ 10 Million to 25 Million
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Lane Crawford Joyce Group

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group's headquarters are located at 2907 Central Ave, Hong Kong SAR, Alabama, 35209, United States

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group's phone number is +14*********

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group's official website is

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group's SIC: 1521

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group's NAICS: 236116

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group has 5001-10000 employees

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group is in Retail

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group top competitors include: JOYCE

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group contact info: Phone number: +14********* Website:

Answer: The Lane Crawford Joyce Group is comprised of three distinctly individual businesses, operating luxury department stores and boutiques, free-standing branded stores, e-commerce and omni-channel operations. We present the largest and most dynamic portfolio of brands across womens and mens fashion, beauty and lifestyle to one of the most significant, high-value luxury customer bases in the region. Lane Crawford - The iconic, luxury department store, globally recognised for its fashion edit, peerless service, visually inspiring environments, and a heritage of innovation since 1850. Joyce - The cutting-edge fashion boutique, which has served as direction-setter and taste maker and a champion of independent designers for 50 years. Imaginex - Chinas first fashion, beauty and lifestyle brand management and distribution business, with three decades of on-the-ground experience and unrivalled coverage of market and channels. Together, our businesses form a truly unique fashion ecosystem, providing market entry and positioning, and long-term growth strategies, for international brands.


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