The Inner City Artists Guild
Non Profit Organization Management, 180 S Main St, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84010, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +18*********
We are committed to eradicating the words starving artist from our cultural vocabulary. The How: Partnering with brilliant trainers in the business and art world, TICAG will be rolling ou...
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Headquarters: 180 S Main St, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84010, United States
Date Founded: 2021
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Non Profit Organization Management
SIC Code: 7389
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Inner City Artists Guild
Answer: The Inner City Artists Guild's headquarters are located at 180 S Main St, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84010, United States
Answer: The Inner City Artists Guild's phone number is +18*********
Answer: The Inner City Artists Guild's official website is
Answer: The Inner City Artists Guild's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: The Inner City Artists Guild's SIC: 7389
Answer: The Inner City Artists Guild has 1-10 employees
Answer: The Inner City Artists Guild is in Non Profit Organization Management
Answer: The Inner City Artists Guild contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:
Answer: We are committed to eradicating the words starving artist from our cultural vocabulary. The How: Partnering with brilliant trainers in the business and art world, TICAG will be rolling out the following programs beginning Sept. 13, 2021 1) Online Zoom workshops and seminars to train artists of all types, and in all modes of operating a profitable business: that they are business owners first, and artisans second. 2) Six-month certificate programs for the underserved, at risk, and homeless in society to hit the ground running after graduation into high paying jobs. In conjunction with professionals in the tech and trades (building) industry. 3) Lapidary, wire-wrapping, and silversmith trainings for those individuals who desire a side gig to bring in extra cash with jewelry, pendants, earrings, and the like. 4) SEO, Social media, personal branding, marketing, and many other trainings available in our online portal, ongoing beginning Spring 2022. The Why: There is no honor in being a starving artist. One of my closest friends, a world-renowned artisan with a room full of medals and ribbons, went bankrupt last year. This was a big eye-opener for me to do what Ive said I was going to do. The timing was right. The homeless population is exploding here in Utah, as well as across the country, and the world. Many of these folks just need someone to reach out and give them a shot at setting it all right. Many more are working 2 and 3 dead-end jobs to barely pay the bills with no hope of changing their fortunes. Our certificate programs can change all that giving them hope to move to a better area with their kids, and dream of owning a car and even a home someday. Women at risk running from impossible and violent situations need help. Partnering with other NFPs well help them get settled and introduce them to our programs to decide what works best for their safety, sanity, and emotional health.
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