The Greenwood School

The Greenwood School

Education Management, 14 Greenwood Ln, Putney, Vermont, 05346, United States, 51-200 Employees

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If a student is bright and kind and is also having trouble finding their potential in a traditional classroom, The Greenwood School may be the right choice. With experienced caring staff ...

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  • 14 Greenwood Ln, Putney, Vermont, 05346, United States Headquarters: 14 Greenwood Ln, Putney, Vermont, 05346, United States
  • 1978 Date Founded: 1978
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Education Management

SIC SIC Code: 8211

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Greenwood School

Answer: The Greenwood School's headquarters are located at 14 Greenwood Ln, Putney, Vermont, 05346, United States

Answer: The Greenwood School's phone number is +18*********

Answer: The Greenwood School's official website is

Answer: The Greenwood School's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: The Greenwood School's SIC: 8211

Answer: The Greenwood School has 51-200 employees

Answer: The Greenwood School is in Education Management

Answer: The Greenwood School contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: If a student is bright and kind and is also having trouble finding their potential in a traditional classroom, The Greenwood School may be the right choice. With experienced caring staff and an average class size of 3-5, our 6-12 grade students with language based learning difference such as dyslexia and executive function and ADHD weaknesses, find they are capable of far more than ever expected. The majority of students join Greenwood in September; however, our individualized curriculum comfortably accommodates rolling admissions. Teachers are on a first name basis, forging loving relationships and strong connections with their students. We offer a customized college preparatory curriculum, ensuring students are engaged intellectually and creatively inspired. An embedded use of assistive technology and a school wide Executive Function skills program provides specific tools to accelerate and enhance learning. Dyslexic students receive tutoring from expert reading teachers trained in Orton-Gillingham, Lindamood Bell and Wilson Language, and our computer based Targeted Cognitive Intervention course strengthens the brain networks that support reading. At Greenwood, faculty understand the power of drawing on a students inherent curiosity and their need to move. Robust learning happens through student-driven inquiry based projects. We know that Greenwood students excel in an environment where sequential, direct instruction is the norm, but the use of different modalities is just as important. On and off campus opportunities provide students with the ability to connect with the community around them. One much loved program allows for students to meet with entrepreneurs. Mentors, with and without learning differences, share their challenges and triumphs, rebranding failure as the typical road toward success. This type of education liberates Greenwood students from the conventional classroom environment, and ignites a passion for learning.

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