The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill

The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill

Food & Beverages, 2121 Vis Pkwy, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33411, United States, 51-200 Employees

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The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill is the brainchild of third generation restaurateurs with over three decades of experience in the hospitality industry. The restaurant's success was man...

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  • 2121 Vis Pkwy, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33411, United States Headquarters: 2121 Vis Pkwy, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33411, United States
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million

industries-icon Industry: Food & Beverages

SIC SIC Code: 5812

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill

Answer: The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill's headquarters are located at 2121 Vis Pkwy, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33411, United States

Answer: The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill's phone number is 72********

Answer: The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill's official website is

Answer: The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill's SIC: 5812

Answer: The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill has 51-200 employees

Answer: The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill is in Food & Beverages

Answer: The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill contact info: Phone number: 72******** Website:

Answer: The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill is the brainchild of third generation restaurateurs with over three decades of experience in the hospitality industry. The restaurant's success was many years in the making, but we figured out the best way to appeal to restaurant patrons. Now our franchisees can benefit from our experience as they bring delicious Greek food to their markets. Delicious Food Is in Our Blood As restaurateurs, we have been in the hospitality industry for so long that delicious food is practically in our blood. In fact, we grew up on Sunday dinners with our huge extended familyalways full of amusing stories, hearty laughter, and of course, great food. And as we grew older, we started hosting these traditional family dinners ourselves. It is safe to say, therefore, that delicious food is what we know, what we do, and what we love. We want our customerswho we think of as familyto have equally great memories of eating fresh, homemade food with their families, so we make a point of serving memorable meals in a great atmosphere. But why are our meals so memorable and why do patrons keep coming back for them? Because we stay true to the Great Greek Pledge.


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