The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens

The Frick Pittsburgh Museums And Gardens

Museums And Institutions, 7227 Reynolds St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15208, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Located on the Pittsburgh estate of late-19th-century industrialist Henry Clay Frick, The Frick Pittsburgh is the steward of collections left as a legacy to the people of Pittsburgh by Fr...

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  • 7227 Reynolds St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15208, United States Headquarters: 7227 Reynolds St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15208, United States
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 5812 | NAICS Code: 712110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens

Answer: The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens's headquarters are located at 7227 Reynolds St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15208, United States

Answer: The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens's phone number is 41********

Answer: The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens's official website is

Answer: The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens's SIC: 5812

Answer: The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens's NAICS: 712110

Answer: The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens has 51-200 employees

Answer: The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: The Frick Pittsburgh Museums and Gardens contact info: Phone number: 41******** Website:

Answer: Located on the Pittsburgh estate of late-19th-century industrialist Henry Clay Frick, The Frick Pittsburgh is the steward of collections left as a legacy to the people of Pittsburgh by Fricks daughter, Helen Clay Frick. The permanent collections include fine and decorative arts, cars, carriages, historic objects, and buildings. The Frick experience includes The Frick Art Museum, the Car and Carriage Museum, Clayton, the Frick family Gilded Age mansion, and six acres of beautifully landscaped lawns and gardens. Also included are an Education Center, the Frick childrens playhouse (designed by renowned architects Alden & Harlow), a large working greenhouse (also designed by Alden & Harlow), The Cafe at the Frick, and the Grable Visitor Center, which houses the Frick Museum Store.


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