The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership

The Eleanor Roosevelt Val Kill Partnership

Museums And Institutions, 4097 Albany Post Rd, Hyde Park, New York, 12538, United States, 1-10 Employees

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OUR VISION Eleanor Roosevelt was a fierce organizer who took risks and built connections based on respect, intelligence, and compassion, among critics as well as friends, to build lead...

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  • 4097 Albany Post Rd, Hyde Park, New York, 12538, United States Headquarters: 4097 Albany Post Rd, Hyde Park, New York, 12538, United States
  • 1998 Date Founded: 1998
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 9512

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership

Answer: The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership's headquarters are located at 4097 Albany Post Rd, Hyde Park, New York, 12538, United States

Answer: The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership's phone number is +18*********

Answer: The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership's official website is

Answer: The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership's SIC: 9512

Answer: The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership has 1-10 employees

Answer: The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: The Eleanor Roosevelt Val-Kill Partnership contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: OUR VISION Eleanor Roosevelt was a fierce organizer who took risks and built connections based on respect, intelligence, and compassion, among critics as well as friends, to build leadership and action for social justice. OUR MISSION is to promote and sustain Eleanor Roosevelt’s ideals as one of the world’s most courageous leaders for social justice so that future generations can be inspired through her example. WHAT WE'RE DOING We're revitalizing Eleanor Roosevelt's life and work through our support of interpretive projects at her beloved Val-Kill home in public private partnership with the National Park Service. In addition, we build engagement, awareness and action for her leadership on social justice issues through collaborative partnerships and programming dedicated to Eleanor Roosevelt's ideals in our time. HISTORY The Partnership was founded by Hillary Rodham Clinton in 1998 as Honoring Eleanor Roosevelt, an inaugural project of Save America's Treasures and functioned as an all-volunteer effort the first 15 years. The organization assisted with crucial early support to Val-Kill for restoration projects, acquisitions and the site’s first interpretative exhibits. In 2013, The Eleanor Roosevelt-Val-Kill Partnership became its own 501c3 nonprofit in public private partnership with the National Park Service's Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site (Val-Kill). The Partnership has raised nearly $2 million in direct benefits to Val-Kill and is recognized by the National Park Foundation as one of the leading charitable partners to the National Park Service. As the sponsor of long range interpretive programming for Val-Kill, the Partnership has been an integral partner in strengthening the visitor’s experience at Val-Kill and giving them a deeper understanding of Eleanor Roosevelt’s influence as a champion for social change and human rights.

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