Texa Usa
Automotive, 292 Fernwood Ave, Edison, New Jersey, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +19*********
TEXA (Italian acronym of Electronic Technologies for Automotive) was founded in 1992 and is today the European leader in the design, industrialization and manufacturing of aftermarket dia...
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Headquarters: 292 Fernwood Ave, Edison, New Jersey, United States
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million
Industry: Automotive
TEXA USA Org Chart and Mapping
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding TEXA USA
Answer: TEXA USA's headquarters are located at 292 Fernwood Ave, Edison, New Jersey, United States
Answer: TEXA USA's phone number is +19*********
Answer: TEXA USA's official website is https://texausa.com
Answer: TEXA USA's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million
Answer: TEXA USA has 1-10 employees
Answer: TEXA USA is in Automotive
Answer: TEXA USA contact info: Phone number: +19********* Website: https://texausa.com
Answer: TEXA (Italian acronym of Electronic Technologies for Automotive) was founded in 1992 and is today the European leader in the design, industrialization and manufacturing of aftermarket diagnostic tools, air conditioning recharging stations, exhaust analyzers and remote diagnostic devices for cars, bikes, trucks, buses, agricultural and marine vehicles. TEXA has a widespread commercial network of about 500 distributors and 9 branch offices in Spain, Germany, UK, France, Russia, US, Poland, Japan and Brazil. TEXA USA Inc. is the youngest TEXA branch, the office takes care of all operations in the US and Canada. National and local dealers actively promote the TEXA products all over North America. In few years TEXA USA has established itself as one of the main players in HEAVY DUTY diagnostics. Great results in this field did not compromise TEXA's activities in different environments. Thanks to TEXA's relations with several OEMs its POWERSPORT solution is considered the must-have diagnostic tool for motorcycles and UTVs. The OFF-HIGHWAY and MARINE environments are getting momentum and TEXA SUPERCAR software is a great option for exotic and European cars. Diagnostics for every vehicle.
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