Talent Retriever

Talent Retriever

Staffing And Recruiting, 50 High St, North Andover, Massachusetts, 01845, United States, 51-200 Employees


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Talent Retriever RPO (Full and Partial) Our non-contingency model yields predictable costs and higher-quality results (including longer employee retention) adapted to your unique recruiti...

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  • 50 High St, North Andover, Massachusetts, 01845, United States Headquarters: 50 High St, North Andover, Massachusetts, 01845, United States
  • 2004 Date Founded: 2004
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Staffing and Recruiting

SIC SIC Code: 7361 | NAICS Code: 561311 | Show More

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Jamilya Christopher

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Crystal Gomez

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Marcus Tgettis

Chief Innovation Officer

Matt Bodily

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Beverly Gaudet

VP of Finance and Administration

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Talent Retriever

Answer: Talent Retriever's headquarters are located at 50 High St, North Andover, Massachusetts, 01845, United States

Answer: Talent Retriever's phone number is 21********

Answer: Talent Retriever's official website is https://talentretriever.com

Answer: Talent Retriever's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Talent Retriever's SIC: 7361

Answer: Talent Retriever's NAICS: 561311

Answer: Talent Retriever has 51-200 employees

Answer: Talent Retriever is in Staffing and Recruiting

Answer: Talent Retriever contact info: Phone number: 21******** Website: https://talentretriever.com

Answer: Talent Retriever RPO (Full and Partial) Our non-contingency model yields predictable costs and higher-quality results (including longer employee retention) adapted to your unique recruiting challenges and timelines. Ultimate flexibility with recruiting expertise you can call on when you need it. We drop in a fully trained team and integrate into your organization as desired. We are ramped within 24 hours. Perfect for high volume staffing, team buildouts, pipeline expansion and urgent unexpected recruiting challenges. Through this program, we deliver an average cost per hire of 7.7% Key Leader Search Youve hired the best people you know and now you can use some help rounding out your leadership team. This targeted search is focused on accelerating your business hiring through our value-driven price model. Whether challenged with identifying a Sales or Engineering Leader, getting the right Finance Head in place, or engaging the best person to lead your new product initiatives we get it done! Contractor Services Prefer to fully manage a recruiter on your own? Hire Talent Retriever-trained recruiting professionals as contractors into your organization directly. TR Certified professionals receive continued training and access to our support team while working with our clients. They know how to ramp quickly and generate results. This is an excellent way to fill a void during a recruiters leave of absence! The true measure of a recruiting firm is its own success at hiring the very best people. Our highly-trained team of consultative problem solvers and creative thinkers who are passionate about recruiting, and 100% focused on the hiring needs of our clients. Our team focuses across disciplines from entry level to VP. Tech, Life Sciences, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Professional Services Hiring for Private Equity and VC-backed companies High-Volume Hiring, Sales Team Buildouts, Call Centers Engineering - specialized and team builds

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