Tahoe City Public Utility District
Utilities, 221 Fairway Dr, Tahoe City, California, 96145, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: +15*********
The Tahoe City Public Utility District was founded in 1938 to provide some of the governmental needs of the residents of Tahoe City. It is the oldest local government in the Tahoe Basin a...
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Headquarters: 221 Fairway Dr, Tahoe City, California, 96145, United States
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tahoe City Public Utility District
Answer: Tahoe City Public Utility District's headquarters are located at 221 Fairway Dr, Tahoe City, California, 96145, United States
Answer: Tahoe City Public Utility District's phone number is +15*********
Answer: Tahoe City Public Utility District's official website is https://tcpud.org
Answer: Tahoe City Public Utility District's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million
Answer: Tahoe City Public Utility District's SIC: 4941
Answer: Tahoe City Public Utility District's NAICS: 611110
Answer: Tahoe City Public Utility District has 11-50 employees
Answer: Tahoe City Public Utility District is in Utilities
Answer: Tahoe City Public Utility District contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website: https://tcpud.org
Answer: The Tahoe City Public Utility District was founded in 1938 to provide some of the governmental needs of the residents of Tahoe City. It is the oldest local government in the Tahoe Basin and was formed initially to provide public water service to the local community. Established under the State of California's Public Utility District Act, the founders of the District chose a form of government that could provide multiple types of services. The mission of the Tahoe City Public Utility District is to serve the people in our community, as well as the environment. It is our responsibility to provide safe and reliable water service, sewer service for the protection of public health, and parks and recreation services to enhance quality of life. We are committed to achieving these and other tasks within the scope of the Public Utility District Act in a sound fiscal manner.
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