Swim Bea Productions
Sports, Po Box , Saint Simons Island, , 31522, Georgia, 24558, United States, 1-10 Employees
SwimBea Productions was formed to create and publish the Learn to Swim with Miss Bea DVD. Miss Bea believed that watching the DVD helped parents prepare their child for swimming lessons, ...
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Headquarters: Po Box 24558, Saint Simons Island, Georgia, 31522, United States
Date Founded: 1990
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Sports
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding SwimBea Productions
Answer: SwimBea Productions's headquarters are located at Po Box , Saint Simons Island, , 31522, Georgia, 24558, United States
Answer: SwimBea Productions's official website is https://swimbea.com
Answer: SwimBea Productions's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: SwimBea Productions has 1-10 employees
Answer: SwimBea Productions is in Sports
Answer: SwimBea Productions contact info: Phone number: Website: https://swimbea.com
Answer: SwimBea Productions was formed to create and publish the Learn to Swim with Miss Bea DVD. Miss Bea believed that watching the DVD helped parents prepare their child for swimming lessons, and continue to develop his swimming skills throughout the year. Each swimming family received a DVD and was told which lesson to watch and practice before coming to class. When children who develop a fear of the water around 3 or 4 years old watch the DVD, they learn to overcome fears, gain confidence and learn the motions necessary for efficient swimming. The DVD also shows parents how to submerge their young baby under water with confidence. The first time is the hardest. The baby may act surprised and even cry out. If the parent stays calm and happy and reacts positively, the baby will love the under water experiences. A baby is ready to start swimming as soon as the umbilical cord has healed in a warm pool or a hot tub. There are so many physical, emotional and social benefits to swimming! In the soothing water, baby develops grows and learns while experiencing pleasures, and challenges that result personal victories. Parent and baby swimming together build baby's self-confidence and joy. In addition to showing parents how to put a baby under water, the Learn to Swim with Miss Bea dvd demonstrates tips and tricks for teaching swimming to kids that were developed through 30 years experience teaching swimming. Practicing the activities on the DVD will have the child using the skills necessary for water enjoyment and safety. I also want to help promote a new baby swim program from Denmark that starts 2 month old babies diving. Look for them at aquafeelings on the web and youtube. Miss Bea is continuing to make new videos and promote other programs to help children learn how to swim. Look for her on her YouTube channel - SwimWithMissBea and like her Facebook page, Learn to Swim with Miss Bea; Also, write to me with your questions or concerns. See you at the pool!
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