Superior Industries

Superior Industries

Machinery, Morris, Minnesota, 56267, United States, 1001-5000 Employees

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First established in 1972, Superior was founded by the son of a sand and gravel producer. At the beginning of his career, Neil Schmidgall improved portability and production technology fo...

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industries-icon Industry: Machinery

SIC SIC Code: 3535 | NAICS Code: 339999 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Superior Industries

Answer: Superior Industries's headquarters are located at Morris, Minnesota, 56267, United States

Answer: Superior Industries's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Superior Industries's official website is

Answer: Superior Industries's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Superior Industries's SIC: 3535

Answer: Superior Industries's NAICS: 339999

Answer: Superior Industries has 1001-5000 employees

Answer: Superior Industries is in Machinery

Answer: Superior Industries contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: First established in 1972, Superior was founded by the son of a sand and gravel producer. At the beginning of his career, Neil Schmidgall improved portability and production technology for his fathers plants. When neighboring aggregate producers asked if he could improve their equipment, Schmidgall took his company public. Since then, Superior has maintained a strong entrepreneurial and enthusiastic approach to business. The manufacturer established conveyor and plant portability designs that are favored all around the world. In 2016-17 after several acquisitions and some in-house design projects Superior debuted a brand new group of crushing, screening and washing equipment. These products joined an existing and evolving conveyor and custom plant portfolio for a complete product offering from Rock Face to Load Out. In addition, Superior uses its material handling skills to design and build a dependable line of conveyor idlers, pulleys, scrapers and accessories. The rapidly growing, locally-owned company is headquartered in Morris, Minnesota, with additional manufacturing plants throughout the United States, Canada and Brazil.

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