Summit Pediatric Therapy

Summit Pediatric Therapy

Medical Practice, 6851 S Holly Circle, Centennial, Colorado, 80112, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Summit Pediatric Therapy is the Premier Provider of Pediatric Speech, Feeding, Occupational, Physical Therapy... Nationally Recognized Therapists. Speech therapy is for children who have ...

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  • 6851 S Holly Circle, Centennial, Colorado, 80112, United States Headquarters: 6851 S Holly Circle, Centennial, Colorado, 80112, United States
  • 2007 Date Founded: 2007
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Medical Practice

SIC SIC Code: 8049

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Summit Pediatric Therapy

Answer: Summit Pediatric Therapy's headquarters are located at 6851 S Holly Circle, Centennial, Colorado, 80112, United States

Answer: Summit Pediatric Therapy's phone number is 72********

Answer: Summit Pediatric Therapy's official website is

Answer: Summit Pediatric Therapy's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Summit Pediatric Therapy's SIC: 8049

Answer: Summit Pediatric Therapy has 51-200 employees

Answer: Summit Pediatric Therapy is in Medical Practice

Answer: Summit Pediatric Therapy contact info: Phone number: 72******** Website:

Answer: Summit Pediatric Therapy is the Premier Provider of Pediatric Speech, Feeding, Occupational, Physical Therapy... Nationally Recognized Therapists. Speech therapy is for children who have difficulty with communication and related disorders, from auditory and memory to voice and oral-motor. It includes specialization in therapy for receptive language, expressive language, articulation/phonological processing, feeding, swallowing, oral motor conditions, fluency and stuttering, voice, and language and literacy. The goal of speech therapy is to get a child to share his or her thoughts and ideas, produce specific sounds, appropriately use objects and toys during play, understand more words, understand sentences, understand reading passages, and much more. therapy. Occupational therapy focuses on fine motor skills, visual-perceptual skills, cognitive skills, and sensory-processing deficits. Our specialists also evaluate children who may benefit from specialized equipment like wheelchairs, splints, and more. The goal of occupational therapy is to get children to engage in basic life tasks, such as buttoning buttons, tying shoes, handwriting skills, and more. therapy. Physical therapy help children improve range of motion, strength, mobility, posture, balance, and endurance for independent function with training for gross motor defects and postural balance, walking/gait, and sports injury. Our physical therapists also help children with strengthening exercises to help decrease any asymmetry that may be occurring due to torticollis and provide specialized care for children suffering from neuromuscular diseases and deficits. We also have specialized equipment and exercises for children who have conditions like ADD or ADHD, as well as those who need help to establish proper coordination patterns as well as rhythm or timing.


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