Health, Wellness And Fitness, 7709 Egan Dr, Savage, Minnesota, 55378, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +16*********
Stretchly is a Veteran owned LLC providing assisted stretching services to a variety of members and clientele. Assisted stretching, often referred to as "PNF Stretching, is a 1-on-1 servi...
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Headquarters: 7709 Egan Dr, Savage, Minnesota, 55378, United States
Date Founded: 2021
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Health, Wellness and Fitness
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Stretchly
Answer: Stretchly's headquarters are located at 7709 Egan Dr, Savage, Minnesota, 55378, United States
Answer: Stretchly's phone number is +16*********
Answer: Stretchly's official website is
Answer: Stretchly's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Stretchly has 1-10 employees
Answer: Stretchly is in Health, Wellness and Fitness
Answer: Stretchly contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:
Answer: Stretchly is a Veteran owned LLC providing assisted stretching services to a variety of members and clientele. Assisted stretching, often referred to as "PNF Stretching, is a 1-on-1 service where customers can receive assistance from trained personnel for a wide range of stretching techniques that are generally impossible to do on your own. It provides immediately results and has become a rapidly growing trend in the fitness industry. Our vision is to create a customer-centric wellness brand centered around three core areas of wellness: Mobility, Recovery, and Performance. Our certified staff members are 'FLEXperts' in mobility and will set a new bar for a 1-on-1 fitness experience.
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