Steve Crawford Trucking

Steve Crawford Trucking

Transportation, Trucking And Railroad, St Peters, Missouri, 63376, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Steve Crawford Trucking, Inc and its sister company, SCT of Ohio, Inc., provide transportation services to FedEx Ground. Currently, we operate from three locations: St. Louis, MO, Ft. Col...

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  • St Peters, Missouri, 63376, United States Headquarters: St Peters, Missouri, 63376, United States
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million

industries-icon Industry: Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

SIC SIC Code: 4212

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Steve Crawford Trucking

Answer: Steve Crawford Trucking's headquarters are located at St Peters, Missouri, 63376, United States

Answer: Steve Crawford Trucking's phone number is 97********

Answer: Steve Crawford Trucking's official website is

Answer: Steve Crawford Trucking's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Steve Crawford Trucking's SIC: 4212

Answer: Steve Crawford Trucking has 11-50 employees

Answer: Steve Crawford Trucking is in Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

Answer: Steve Crawford Trucking contact info: Phone number: 97******** Website:

Answer: Steve Crawford Trucking, Inc and its sister company, SCT of Ohio, Inc., provide transportation services to FedEx Ground. Currently, we operate from three locations: St. Louis, MO, Ft. Collins, CO, and Zanesville / Cambridge, OH We employ excellent people that provide extraordinary service. What we do is not glamourous and not pretty...however, we provide a vital service for eCommerce to prosper. We work with individuals who want to serve with a team and can provide consistent, quality commitment and service. We aim to be an attractive place of employment for drivers, by having a great schedule and great opportunities. For those of you currently driving a tough schedule, youve paid the price. Youve been gone. Youve missed holidays, weekends, and birthdays. Heres your answer DRIVE WITH US, BE HOME DAILY. We offer excellent benefits: health and dental for the whole family, a retirement plan, paid holidays, and much more.


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